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Dear valued patients,

Please be aware of the following before coming to the clinic for your appointment.

As of Oct. 18, 2022, mask policy in the clinic is OPTIONAL and is NO longer mandatory. We do respect the individual rights to decide. Individual practitioners might kindly request, at the their discretion, that you wear a mask during your sessions. If such a request is made, they will provide a mask for you or request that you bring your own mask. Concurrently, if you wish to continue wearing a mask, please bring your own to your appointment.

  • Please do not come to your appointment if you are feeling ill or presenting any flu-like symptoms. 
  • Please come by yourself (when possible) to limit the amount of people in the clinic at any given time.

We are happy to be open and treating patients; however, it is important that all of the policies above are followed in order to provide a safe environment for all staff and patients. 

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation!