Shockwave Therapy

What conditions are treated with shockwave therapy?

• Achilles tendinosis
• Plantar fasciitis
• Calcific tendinosis (frozen shoulder)
• Gluteal tendinopathy
• Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
• Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
• Iliotibial Band (IT Band) Syndrome
• Patellar tendinosis
• Rotator cuff tendinosis
• Hamstring tendinopathy

What are the biological effects of shockwave?

• Increased blood flow
• Stimulation of cellular metabolism
• Tissue regeneration
• Vasodilation and controlled inflammatory response for tissue repair
• Increased tissue healing
• Pain management
• Scar tissue and fibrotic tissue break up
• Increased mobility
• Increased recovery time
• Pathological alterations to cellular makeup of tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joint capsule

Dr. Soroush Khoshroo

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Dr. Verity Stow

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Dr. Vivie Bojilov

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Reza Ghannadan

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Max Insa

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Nicolas Lopez

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